Pracovný pohovor v angličtine I

21. 08. 2017

Gratulujeme! Požiadali ste o prácu a teraz sa chystáte na dôležitý pracovný pohovor. Ponúkame vám tieto tipy, aby ste sa uistili, že svojou angličtinou, rovnako, ako aj svojimi zručnosťami, urobíte dobrý dojem. Istotu v prezentovaní svojich schopností získate aj v kurze príprava na pracovný pohovor v anglickom jazyku.


Prvý dojem, ktorý urobíte hneď pri vstupe do miestnosti je často kľúčový. Je dôležité, aby ste sa predstavili, potriasli si rukami a boli priateľskí. Na začiatku je dobré zapojiť sa do krátkeho priateľského rozhovoru, ktorý vám pomôže zbaviť sa stresu a cítiť sa uvoľnene:

  • How are you today?
  • Did you have any trouble finding us?
  • What do you think of the weather lately?

Human resources director: How are you today?
Interviewee: I'm fine. Thank you for asking me in today.
Human resources director: My pleasure. How's the weather outside?
Interviewee: It's raining, but I brought my umbrella.
Human resources director: Good thinking!

Ako ukazuje tento krátky dialóg, je dôležité, aby boli vaše odpovede krátke a k veci. Tieto typy otázok sú známe ako ice-breakers, pretože vám pomôžu uvoľniť sa.


Môžete očakávať často kladenú otázku o vašich silných a slabých stránkach. Odporúča sa používať silné prídavné mená - strong adjectives, ktorými popíšete svoje vlastnosti:

accurate - I'm an accurate bookkeeper.
active - I'm active in two volunteer groups.
adaptable - I'm quite adaptable and happy to work in teams or on my own.
adept - I'm adept at identifying customer service issues.
broad-minded - I'm proud of my broad-minded approach to problems.
competent - I'm a competent office suite user.
conscientious - I'm efficient and conscientious about paying attention to detail.
creative - I'm quite creative and have come up with a number of marketing campaigns.
dependable - I'd describe myself as a dependable team player.
determined - I'm a determined problem solver who won't rest until we've come up with a solution.
diplomatic - I've been called in to mediate as I'm quite diplomatic.
efficient - I always take the most efficient approach possible.
enthusiastic - I'm an enthusiastic team player.
experienced - I'm an experienced C++ programmer.
fair - I have a fair understanding of programming languages.
firm - I have a firm grasp on the complexities facing us.
innovative - I've often been complimented on my innovative approach to shipping challenges.
logical - I'm quite logical by nature.
loyal - You'll find that I'm a loyal employee.
mature - I have a mature understanding of the market.
motivated - I'm motivated by fun people who love to get things done.
objective - I've often been asked for my objective views.
outgoing - People say I'm an outgoing person who's very personable.
personable - My personable nature helps me get along with everyone.
positive - I take a positive approach to problem solving.
practical - I always look for the most practical solution.
productive - I pride myself on how productive I am.                                                                                                                                                          reliable - You'll find that I'm a reliable team player.
resourceful - You might be surprised by how resourceful I can be.
self disciplined - I've often been complimented on how self disciplined I remain in difficult situations.
sensitive - I do my best to be sensitive to others' needs.
trustworthy - I was so trustworthy that I was asked to deposit company funds.

Uistite sa však, že vždy máte poruke nejaký príklad, ak by sa personalista zaujímal o ďalšie podrobnosti:

Human resources director: What do you consider your greatest strengths?
Interviewee: I'm a determined problem solver. In fact, you might call me a trouble-shooter. 
Human resources director: Could you give me an example?
Interviewee: Certainly. A few years ago, we were experiencing difficulties with our customer database. Tech-support was having difficulties finding the problem, so I took it upon myself to dig into the problem. After two days of brushing up on some basic programming skills, I was able to identify the problem and resolve the issue.

Ak ste požiadaný, aby ste opísali svoje slabosti, dobrou stratégiou je vybrať slabé miesta, ktoré môžete zlepšiť alebo vyriešiť. Akonáhle opíšete svoju slabosť, uveďte, ako plánujete popracovať na jej odstránení. To preukáže, že ste si vedomý svojich slabých stránok a snažíte sa pracovať na sebe.

Human resources director: Could you tell me about your weaknesses?
Interviewee: Well, I'm a little shy when first meeting people. Of course, as a salesperson I've had to overcome this problem. At work, I make an effort to be the first person to greet new customers to the store despite my shyness.

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